Music Listening

There are many ways you can sneak in some learning time with fun activities. Below are some activities geared toward building Listening Skills.

1) Creative Listening: Making Art!

Listen to different styles of music with no lyrics, such as classical and make art! This will work on your child’s creativity, focus ability and listening skills PLUS it’s fun. They won’t be passive listeners and will be more engaged learners.

What you need:

  • Art Supplies – as simple as paper & crayons, or more eloborate with watercolor, paints glitter, you name it!
  • Different musical pieces (chose from different composers, time periods etc.)


  1. Listen to all or part of “Stars and Stripes Forever” – John Phillip Sousa (ex. piece). Do NOT tell your child anything about the song – just listen.
  2. Ask your child what pictures came to mind while listening to the song. Do they see different colors? Picture a story? What’s the mood of the song – happy, sad, scary, exciting etc.
  3. Play the entire song while the child makes their artwork!
  4. Repeat this with a contrasting song – Such as Bach Toccata and Fugue in D minor.
  5. Enjoy the art! :)One child’s artwork from this activity with the example songs:


2) BEEP! Listening Game

Help your children develop their active listening skills by playing a singing game!


  1. Choose a familiar story, song, or rhyme that your child has heard often.
  2. Read or recite the story, song, or rhyme, but substitute wrong words or names in obvious places.
  3. For example: “Old MacDonald had a car” or “Mary had a little dog.”
  4. Have your child listen for the incorrect words and say “Beep!” when he hears one. You can also you a tablet or smartphone “buzzer” app. They have the popular buzzer sound for incorrect answer – but many more. This will keep it interesting
  5. Try having your child be the singer!


3) Same of Different Game (young children)

This is a listening game where children have to listen to two short musical phrases and deciding if they are the same or different. This is of course working on focus and listening, but also pitch/rhythm recognition!

How it works:
Click the link below to get to the online game. Click the left balloon and the right balloon to hear the two options (you can listen as many times as you want) Afterward, have your child click the “same” or “different” button below. See if they are right!

Same or Different: Online Game!

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